Summer Workshop 2023

Like every year, since 2021, to make the most of the summer holidays we held different workshops. They were taught by our members and at the end of these we organized a recital. These workshops were: theater, guitar, ukulele and violin.

We started with the theater workshop led by Camille and Amber. This workshop was mandatory for new members with the aim of getting rid of their shyness and learning how to be on stage. They did different activities, one of them was creating their own character and during the recital they represented different scenes in groups with these created characters.

Next, Ralph and Charmae taught guitar and ukulele classes. Most of those who participated in guitar classes retook them to learn something new. At the recital they played: Man in the Mirror and Stay With Me. Ukulele classes were mandatory for new members since each member is required to learn it. At the recital they played High Hopes and Don't Stop Believing.

Another workshop worth highlighting is the violin workshop since this year we started it for the first time, taught by Jomari. There were only four students which made it easier to learn the basics such as the parts of the violin, the postures, the notes of each string, etc. At the recital they played three songs: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Baby Shark.

In conclusion, our members had a productive summer sharing their talents with their peers with the goal of learning, improving skills, discovering new capabilities, and spending time together.

Last Day

JULY 30 2023

On July 30th, it was our last day of our trip. We were all exhausted from the effort we put in the previous day, being on the road for 5 days, and spending countless hours on the bus.

On that day, we had to head back home, spending several hours on the bus before reaching our next destination, which was Nice, a city in France. We stayed there for approximately 2 hours to have breakfast and take a stroll.

After those 2 hours passed, the bus picked us up. It was quite calm as we were all tired. As the hours went by, we made a stop to have lunch and attend to our needs. We still had some food left that had been prepared for us at the monastery, so we had that.

It was finally time to go home. Although we had a great time on this trip, experiencing and seeing many new things, learning more about the people around us, and, lastly, sharing our experiences with others we met along the way, there is nothing that compares to the feeling of returning home.

Concert Day

JULY 29 2023

The long-awaited day has arrived and the reason for this important trip. It was already July 29 and we were ready to show our talent to the Florentines, in the concert that we had prepared with great enthusiasm for months.

We were in the monastery of Santa Marta. This would be our last breakfast in Italian territory. Also, we had prepared our suitcases to leave them in a room.

We had an hour left to leave and meanwhile, the girls were getting our hair done. When we finished, we headed to the city center with the uniform and several other things for the concert on hand. It was time to eat so we split up to find restaurants.

We still had time to take a few last laps around the center. We had ended up at a market where they sold everything. From jewelry, bags and even handmade postcards.

After that, we headed to the concert venue, which would be St. Barnaba's Church. We did a few runs through the songs, especially the ones that included choreography. They also helped us set up the sound equipment and made sure everything was going to go well.

The concert had gone wonderfully and we received a lot of applause from the spectators. Also, they asked us for one more song. It was very unexpected, since we didn't have an extra song prepared. Still, thanks to our musical director, it turned out very well. To finish, we received a participation certificate from the parish.

Finally, we returned to the monastery and all gathered for our last dinner. Our stay was over and from here, we thank the sisters for welcoming us with so much affection. We also want to thank St. Barnaba's Church and Guardians Emigrant Legions Worldwide.

And we left, heading to Barcelona!

4th day in Italy

JULY 28 2023

On July 28th, it was our fourth day of the journey. We began the day at the "Torino" hotel, had breakfast, and set off for Florence, our sixth city to discover.

After a long journey, we arrived in Florence, the cradle of the Italian Renaissance, a wonderful city filled with culture and heritage. Once we settled into the "Monastero Benedettine di Santa Marta," which welcomed us with a charming landscape, the bus took us to the city center, and then we walked to "Piazza di S. Firenze," where we split into different groups to explore the city and agreed it would be our meeting point.

During our walk in search of a restaurant for lunch, we came across copies of iconic sculptures that some of us had only seen on paper, so seeing them in person felt like a dream. Once we reached the restaurant, we had the pleasure of savoring some incredible Italian cuisine.

Next, we embarked on a historical adventure. There, we encountered great works such as the famous "Sacrifice of Isaac" by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi, mannerist sculptures by the prodigious Michelangelo, and the two famous "Davids" by Donatello and Verrocchio, located in the "Museo Nazionale del Bargello." These heritages are mythical symbols of the Italian Renaissance that every art lover should know.

After finishing the exhibition, we returned to our meeting point and waited for the others. This time, we headed as a group towards the "Ponte Vecchio" and concluded the stroll at the "Piazzale Michelangelo" with wonderful views of the city, which was well worth it despite the challenging walk. We arrived in time to enjoy the fascinating sunset accompanied by the astonishing dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the atmosphere, the murmur of the people combined with acoustic performances in the background. We even witnessed a marriage proposal!

Finally, we used the tram to return to the monastery. We had dinner and rested for the day of the concert. Thanks to this great journey, we have been able to appreciate the beauty and charm that Florence holds and get to know a bit more about Italian culture, especially through its significant heritages, which have given rise to many artistic innovations.

The Vatican and Rome

JULY 27 2023

The third day in Italy was dedicated to venturing the streets of Rome. That morning of Thursday, July 27, the members of the choir woke up early to have breakfast at the 'Hotel Torino' hostel. After finishing, the choir prepared to go on an adventure to a historic Rome, full of culture and art.

Touring the streets by coach, we headed to our first stop: the Vatican. After arriving at our first destination, the choir together with the relatives and guests who accompanied us, took a group photo to remember our arrival in the city. Once the photo was taken, we separated into groups to enter the Basilica di San Pietro, after a long line on a hot summer day.

At the end of the visit in the basilica, in separate groups we took a break to go eat, buy souvenirs and rest, since a long day of exploring on foot throughout the city of Rome awaited us.

After that small stop, each group, we went to different stops of the most famous places in Rome, including the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Museo Nazionale.

It is true that we had to spend most of the day walking to reach these iconic places in Rome, but once we arrived, the exhaustion and sweat shed by the heat was worth it. Also, the streets of Rome itself are already something to admire, so it didn't feel heavy either. Obviously, it wasn't all about visiting places to look at from the outside.

After standing in a long line, we were able to enter the famous Agrippa's Pantheon and see the incredible dome inside. We also entered the Museo Nazionale and saw the “Bronze and Gold” exhibition. We even got to savor Italy's famous gelatos.

To end the day, a few members went to Trastevere, a neighborhood known for its gastronomy, to dine on proper Italian food and experience what Rome is like by night.

On this day, we have been able to see in person what before for us were just photos from the history book or images from a documentary on TV. “Getting lost” in a city like Rome has been a very exciting experience for everyone. We have discovered, learned, explored and experienced moments in this city that have left us wanting more.

Pisa & Roma

JULY 26 2023


On July 26, 2023, before leaving Genoa, we had breakfast with all of the choir and our visitors, and went back to our rooms to prepare for our next destination: Pisa.

It was a journey of approximately two and a half hours. Before getting off the bus, we changed into our uniforms to take several photos at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At the end of the photo session, some went to eat, others to buy souvenirs, and others continued with their own photo session.

We got on the bus to go to Rome and during the journey we were practicing some songs for the concert, since the big day was almost there.


After our quick, but memorable trip to Pisa, we drove the next few hours to our next destination, the famous city of Rome.

We arrived early evening and the views and iconic city landmarks wowed everyone on the way to the hotel. When we arrived, everyone checked their rooms, dropped off their bags, freshened up a bit, and then headed off to dinner. As we walked we were able to visit the Trevi fountain and see some iconic monuments of Rome before finally retiring for the night, rested well and explored the rest of the city the next day.

3 Countries in 1 Day

JULY 25 2023


The 25th of July, 2023, after several hours of driving we stopped at Cannes for a brief break and explored the well-known city. As soon as we hopped off the bus, we walked around, had breakfast, and explored the sights of what Cannes had to offer.

Located on the French Riviera, Cannes is known for its association with the wealthy and famous, so it was filled with luxury hotels and restaurants. It is also the host city of the annual Cannes Film Festival.

Our first view was of the large port area, filled with lots of boats and yachts. There was also a beautiful, lively beach area. Going into the city there were many luxury shops and restaurants. The Cannes International Film Festival was one of the most recognizable places, with its red carpet and stairs leading up to where celebrities had walked before. Walking more along the cities, we were surrounded by an elegant and clean atmosphere, relaxing and enjoyable.


When we arrived in Monaco, we went to visit the great streets that were there. All of the choir was present, including the parents and the visitors who accompanied us on our great trip to Italy.

From there it was a two hour journey from Cannes to Monaco by bus. The streets were really beautiful, and everything was very clean. Although that day there was too much wind, it was quite bothersome.

After we finished eating we went to visit the Cathedrals, and took many group and individual photos.

And finally before going to the next destination towards Genoa, on the bus we contemplated the big waves that surrounded the country.


Genova is a quiet place, yet the streets were very calm.

As we drove to the next hotel we would be staying at, we saw the views of the dainty city of Genova. The architecture was rich and historic and the area had a distinct atmosphere far from bad. The streets were clean and many interesting buildings towered the softly buzzing people.

The hotel where we stayed the night was quite large. Each room accommodated a minimum of 5 people, and the service was pleasing as well.

For dinner, some of us went to a restaurant, where the waiter happened to also be a Filipina, and others went to try gelato. The gelato didn't fall short of its exciting flavor like everyone says.

Festa Major del Raval

JULY 15 2023

On July 15, the Festa del Raval was held, with activities and performances throughout the neighborhood. That celebration lasted all weekend and we were lucky that the choir was able to participate.

The boys' band, “Los demás”, performed 4 songs: True by Spandau Ballet, Just the two of us, Treasure, and to finish, Viva la vida. Next, Khendie sang Rihanna's Stay and she did it beautifully. For a change, the children danced See Tình, and they gave us a magnificent performance. Finally to conclude our performance, Fenina sang 3 songs: The climb, I wanna dance with somebody and Falling for ya', and with this magnificent intervention, she left the audience speechless.

It had been a long time since we had participated in this wonderful event where so many cultures celebrate at the same time, and collaborating again has left us with a great feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Of course, an experience that will always remain with us due to the great connection we have to the Raval and all its communities.


JULY 11 2023

On July 11, at the Teatre del Liceu, the conference "Cultural and creative industries in cities as drivers of sustainable development and well-being" was held. It was an event organized by FECYT, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain.

We were invited along with the other choirs that accompanied us during the process of "La Gata Perduda" to interpret a summarized version of the opera and explain our experience in front of the guests.

The preparation for the event began the day before with a two-hour rehearsal to go over the songs. Luckily, we remembered them without much problem. We then had an intense rehearsal on the same day of the conference. We start at 9 in the morning to determine the choreography of the songs.

We didn't have to waste a lot of time as we only had a few hours to finalize the last decisions. By having a different configuration of the stage, new positions had to be created for each chorister. Instead of a conventional stage, there was an ellipse where you could walk and in the center the pianist and the conductor were placed. In addition, it was very interesting since the spectators were on the stage and we acted from the boxes and seats.

In the end, our performance went as planned and although it was a long day, we had a great time. As always, we are grateful to be invited, once again, to be part of something so great.

A special goodbye

JULY 2 2023

On an emotional day, we gathered at the parish of San Agustín to bid a warm farewell to the beloved Father Julio, who, after 6 years of dedicated service and unconditional love, it was his time to say goodbye. For his last day in our parish, he presided alongside a bishop from Barcelona, together with Father Julio.

The evening began with the Mass, which concluded with a few performances, where other people participated and the choir also performed. We sang 2 songs, “Open Arms” and “Isang mundo, Isang Awit.” The audience was moved and enjoyed our performance.

Father Julio's farewell was a display of genuine affection and appreciation that will resonate in the memory of all those present and clearly in us. The performance and gifts were the perfect way to honor an exceptional man who devoted his life to God and supported those around him.

Each goodbye is unique, and this farewell becomes an opportunity to honor these moments that he spent with us, appreciate his unconditional love and find comfort in all that he left us that will continue to live in each one of us. His legacy will undoubtedly live on in the lives of those whom he touched with his light and wisdom.

Araw ng Kabataan

JULY 1 2023

This year, on July 1st, Kudyapi was able to put on several performances to celebrate Youth Day with the community. At plaça de terenci moix, we celebrated the youth of this generation with music, and hoped to create a joyful and welcoming atmosphere.

The program Kalilpi, hosted a talent competition for the common youth of the Filipino community. Ten parties performed and displayed their abilities on stage, some groups singing and others dancing. Kudyapi had two places in the competition, the first, one member who performed a solo, a cover of the song "Part of Your World" from the well known movie The Little Mermaid. A few performances afterwards, accompanied by a guitar, a duo of representatives of the choir moved the crowd with a beautiful duet singing "Can I have this dance" from High School Musical 3.

Many other participants in the contest gave heartfelt and meaningful shows which pleased the crowd and generated a lot of excitement. Although in the end we didn't wind up winning, we were content to have participated in this event representing the Filipino youth.

After the competition, another round of performances began, and this time they were musical bands. One of the bands that participated in this event was a band that consisted of boys from Kudyapi. These boys, between 12 and 18 years of age, had the opportunity to offer their first public performance as a band.

Los demás was the name they used for their first appearance. This is because the Alto 2 ensemble in the Kudyapi choir is usually called that, instead of 'Alto 2' or 'Baritones'.

The musical group was able to play three songs with which they motivated the public. "Just the two of us" and "Treasure" were two different songs they played, both to make the public fall in love and to encourage them.

The last song, "Viva la Vida", was the perfect song to excite the public and leave the scene accompanied by applause. Los Demás finished their first show with a feeling of satisfaction and a great desire for the next gig.

Once again, Kudyapi was able to openly participate on this year's Youth day, an event that represents a great part, fundamental for the future of the community. No winning prize would have had the ability to surpass the great satisfaction of bringing the Filipino youth closer together through music!

Writers & Editors

Benjamín Serafica

Khendie Dumpit

Jomari Edangalino

Eduard Caringal

Jynwell Maloles

Camille Rose

Nelissa Tubon

Kiara Ordinario

Leira Anyayahan

Phrencis Mier

Katrina Oamil

Charmae Llagas

Ana Baquiran

Nica Delaguiado

September June