On November 11 we had the annual meeting of Raval choirs. It was wonderful to be able to once again share the stage with the Raval choirs whose goal is to show that this neighborhood also has talent when it comes to music. It was also nice to meet up again with the choirs which we sang together in the opera “La Gata Perduda” that we did a year ago.
In this concert, we were the first to start and we sang two songs: “Sarà perché ti amo”, a very known song in Italy and “The Time”, where we sang and danced at the same time. We had a great time performing, we gave it all and we enjoyed it so much. At the end of the concert, all the choirs that joined, sang the “Himne del Raval”, it was magnificent and beautiful. The crowd enjoyed this concert a lot as much as we did singing.