
2023 | 2022


What a beautiful start on this year, participating again in the magical parade on three kings Read Article


This month we had lots of events, christmas and our anniversary concert Read Article
We had our annual trobada del raval, we had so much fun singing with them Read Article
This month one of our members had her birthday concert Read Article
We start the month by doing our anually family day, and for the first time after many years, the yellow team didn't win Read Article
In this month we had plenty of activities and performances that we have participated, and at the end of the month we went to italy Read Article
As annually we participated at the independence day of the phillipines and we also have participated in many performances Read Article
We got invited to a baptism were few years ago we also went to the parents wedding, finally we participated at Santacruzan Read Article
We had a busy month, our first trip of the year, 18th birthday Concert, "Món llibre" event and as annualy the Filipiniana Read Article
We participated in the Concert of Santa Eulalia with another choir, the women choir actea of Barcelona. Read Article
We start the year participating in the magical parade on three kings eve and also celebrating the traditional Philippine festivity Read Article


Ending the year we had our anniversary concert, a mini interreligious concert and our annually Christmas party Read Article
Our first participation in an opera. With a lot of practice we finally been able to participate in an opera from the Liceu theater. Read Article
We sang at the wedding of Dun and Kay, where it was placed at the chapel of the Sagrada Familia, here at Barcelona Read Article
We had a mini concert celebration of San Agustín, where other choirs participated and as anually we celebrated Family Day Read Article
In our vacation summer, we had summer activities, the Phillipines Independence Day and also the community project of the Liceu Read Article
We participated in Filipiniana, which it's celebrate annually like the Phillipines Independence Day Read Article

The Pandemic

The pandemic affected a lot of people, and the choir too. Our rehearsals were online, it was difficult to practice with that circumstances but when we did face-to-face rehearsals again, at first we started with small groups and following the safety measures. When everything was improving, we were able to return to the normal life.

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